
There are lots of reasons why handlebar bags are so popular.

There are lots of reasons why bicycle handlebar bags are so popular. Ease of use, easy access to maps, snacks or even a camera for that quick shot are just a few of the reasons that come to mind. Handlebar bags don’t require the use of a bike pannier bag and they will fit on most bikes. The only exceptions would be bikes equipped with carbon fibre handlebars or some funky shaped moustache handlebars. Aside from those few examples, a handlebar bag will likely fit your bike. Our handlebar bags are easy to remove to keep your valuables close at hand when stopping for coffee or a bite to eat. Just unclip the handlebar bag from the bike and use either the integrated carry handle or a shoulder strap to carry the bag with you. Simple and super comfortable, all our handlebar bags are sold with a shoulder strap.

