A compact bicycle handlebar bag can be very useful for keeping things that you need to access frequently, such as camera, wallet, snacks, maps and so on. It's so much easier having those things close at hand rather than having to reach down to panniers (which, most likely, involves getting off the bike first). On the downside, carrying weight on your handlebar can negatively impact your steering, and thus the handling of the bike. Some people report getting a shimmy (speed wobble) simply because of a handlebar bag. Shimmy is a harmonic oscillation in the bicycle frame that depends on many different variables coming into aligment at once; it's possible that a handlebar bag could trigger the phenomenon, but for many people it doesn't. Really impossible to tell unless you simply try it out for yourself. If you're lucky, then it'll be fine, and you'll have a nice place to put your snacks. If you're unlucky, then you'll need to figure out somewhere else to stow the camera - maybe a bicycle saddle bag? As with panniers, there are two main types of handlebar bag: Waterproof, and non-waterproof. Unlike panniers, though, it's not common to find an immersion proof handlebar bag