
Waterproof cycling saddle bag

In this article I am going to be concentrating on the gear that you might carry inside of your handlebar bag.
My strategy for packing my handlebar bag is to put all of my most important belongings in this one bag.bicycle map holder handlebar bag My reason for this is that I always have my handlebar bag on me. It never leaves my body. When I go into a grocery store or run to the restroom to take a shower, the handlebar bag goes with me. The reason for this is that if my bike and the rest of my belongings were to be stolen, I would at least have my handlebar bag and the valuable contents inside (wallet, cell phone, camera, journal, etc). As long as I have these belongings in my possession I can buy myself a new bike, get a ride to the airport,Bicycle double top tube bag call the police, or do whatever needs to be done to rescue the tour.
Your handlebar bag should also contain most of the things that you want to get to when you are riding your bike (your map or camera for example). I don’t like to get off my bike every time I need to look at the map or eat a snack, so having these items within reach is extremely important.
I’ve put together a little video where I show you exactly what I carry inside my handlebar bag. Below the video, I have listed the contents of my handlebar bag and given details for why I use these particular items.
As usual, if you have any questions about how to plan a bicycle tour of your own, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

